Monday, August 12, 2013

A catalog of Winnipeg's mansard roofed houses, a popular building style in the 1880s and 1890s

1. 291 Magnus (built 1885)
2. 459 Bannatyne (1882)
3. 524 Balmoral (1886)
4. 60 Gertie (1882)
5. 601 Clifton (1900)
6. 597 Young (1904)
7. 149 Ellen (1899) (rear section)
8. 846 McDermot (1902) gambrel/mansard
9. 1183 Wolseley (1911)
10. 347 Des Meurons (1908)
11. 68 Prince Edward (1894)
12. 101 Lorne (1881) Samuel Ress House
13. 59 Scotia (1887) Millidge House
14. The last house on Wellington just east of Wellington Park, south side (1940s)
15. 556 Alexander duplex (1882)
16.134 Higgins (1883) Fry House
17. 221 Dumoulin (1882) Gingras House (I think the owner or his son won the Stanley Cup with the Victorias)
18. 158 Evanson (1894) Hartley House
19. 153 Rue Aubert
20.  494 College (1906-07) "The Castle| Biollo/Cantor House
21.  351 Assiniboine (1887) Kerr House
22.  432 Bannatyne (1882)
23. 123 Euclid (1889) TW Taylor House. another mansard was next door but was demolished
24. 255 Gunnell (1895) W.W.W. Wortman House

Another unusual mansard house can be found just east of the Perimeter Highway, Follow #1 to Deacons Road ( A&W) Turn north, turn east on Center Line Road, its about 3-4 miles east, north side of the road.

other buildings
 Miserecordia Hospital (1901)
St. Mary's Academy (1902-03)
Trappist's Monastery Guesthouse (1912)
St Boiface College (1881) radio station building now

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, I'm the current owner of 221 DuMoulin St. It was the son that won the Stanley Cup.
